In September 2000, at the United Nations Millennium Summit, world Leaders from 189 countries agreed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals and targets encapsulated under a Millennium Declaration. The goals were geared towards addressing issues of poverty, gender equality, education, health as well as the environment.Over the years the Government of Botswana, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), produced the MDGs progress reports, culminating with the current 2015 report. Globally the MDGs have been succeeded by wider and broader goals - the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To this end the MDG Botswana 2015 report serves as a baseline for the next development goals (SDG) reports of Botswana.
The breakfast launch will also highlight the key findings and policy recommendations of the 2015 Global Human Development report that focuses on the theme “Work for Human Development.” The HDR calls for equitable and decent work for all.In doing so, it encourages governments to look beyond jobs to consider the many kinds of work, such as unpaid care, voluntary, or creative work that are important for human development. The report suggests that only by taking such a broad view can the benefits of work be truly harnessed for sustainable development.The launch will be accompanied by an expert panel discussion on policy recommendations of the Global HDR report and related recent global development agreements including – the SDGs, the third Finance for Development (FFD3), and the twenty first agreement of parties on climate change (COP21).The emphasis of the panel discussion will be on how these global agreements relate to Botswana National development plans, strategies and programs.
For more information, please contact Ms. Susan Thobega at 3950286/ suthobega@gov.bw or Ms. Rosinah Seema 3950303/ rnseema@gov.bw of the MOFDP and/or Ms. Boipelo Besele 3633724/ boipelo.besele@one.un.org of UNDP Botswana.