Mr Mokaila noted that water rationing would continue in some areas of greater Gaborone in order to ensure that little water resource accumulated in the dams kept developmental process ongoing for a longer period. He said for the economy to grow, there had to be water as it was the engine to job creation adding that without water, the society was in danger because even manufacturing of goods needed a lot of water. The minister encouraged the society to diversify the economy through various sectors and urged them to benchmark from Selebi Phikwe Empowerment Development Unit (SPEDU).
Mr Mokaila said although the agriculture sector used more than 17 million cubic litres of water annually, it was important to engage in crop production and livestock rearing as they were the food basket of every country saying by so doing the country’s GDP improved because of reduction in importing agricultural commodities. He urged elders to create awareness to young generation about the importance of water conservation and teach them all available techniques of water harvesting in order to alleviate the national outcry of shortage of water.
Mr Mokaila said water harvesting and recycling of water was paramount in that it eased the over usage of portable water from the dams