We are humbled by the extraordinary attendance of delegations from all the SADC member states and the development institutions that work with SADC such as the African Development Bank, the UNECA, the AU Commission and COMESA, to mention but a few.
These institutions are a pillar of the SADC organisation’s strength, providing critical support for our programmes.
As we go through our agenda for the SADC region, may we carry forward the vision of our SADC founding fathers who worked tirelessly to establish this organization with very clear goals and objectives.
We trust that the programme prepared for this summit will allow us to fully engage as a community, towards successfully achieving our goals of regional integration and peaceful coexistence.
Meeting this objective will translate into enhanced development and economic growth for the SADC region, alleviation of poverty, improved health conditions and uplifting of the standard and quality of life of the people of southern Africa.
We are happy to report that in the build-up to this Summit, the nation has been sensitised about the SADC ideals to which our kingdom is truly committed and our people look forward to the outcomes. Engagement has been carried out through sensitisation workshops, multi-media messages and at national level where the multitudes gathered at the national cattle byre, the people’s parliament.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank the SADC secretariat for working together with our teams in organising this important event. Please bear with us where there have been shortcomings. This was not our intention.
I am hopeful that the facilities that we have put at your disposal Your Excellencies, will surely meet your expectations.
Sincere appreciation also goes out to all the sponsors who have made this event possible. We truly value your support.
Once again, let me welcome all delegates to the Kingdom of Swaziland and please enjoy the warm hospitality and the friendly smiles of the Swazi people.
I invite you to find time to explore all the places of interest offered by the Kingdom. You could not have come at a more opportune time and I hope you enjoyed a truly African welcome with our annual reed dance ceremony.
You may still visit the on-going international trade fair at your leisure. we are pleased that countries from the region are participating at the fair, which is good progress towards our regional integration. Please enjoy your stay. I thank you. May the Almighty God bless us all.