Minor accompanied by both parents
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required; and
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
Minor accompanied by one parent
• Valid passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
Note: In the case of single parents, where only one parent’s particulars appear on the Unabridged Birth Certificate, a consent letter is not required.
In the case where parents were never married but both parents’ particulars appear on the Unabridged Birth Certificate, a consent Affidavit by a non-travelling parent administered by any Commissioner of Oath is required.
Minor travelling with one parent who is divorced or legally separated and who has been granted full parental responsibilities and rights (previously called ―sole custody) or full legal guardianship in respect of the minor
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
• Court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights (previously called sole custody) or full legal guardianship in respect of the minor.
Minor travelling with one parent who is divorced or legally separated and who has been granted specific parental responsibilities and rights (previously called ―joint custody) or legal guardianship in respect of the minor
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
• Court order granting specific parental responsibilities and rights (previously called joint custody) or joint legal guardianship in respect of the minor; and Parental Consent Affidavit from the remaining parent is required.
NOTE: Where the accompanying parent presents a Parental Consent Affidavit and both parents’ names on the Unabridged Birth Certificate correspond with the names on the Parental Consent Affidavit and the travelling parent’s passport, a court order granting specific parental responsibilities and rights or joint legal guardianship may be dispensed with.
Minor travelling with widow or widower parent
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
• Death certificate of the deceased parent
Orphaned minor where no formal order of guardianship or adoption has been granted as yet
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required; and
• Letter of Special Circumstances from the Department of Social Services.
Minor accompanied by a person who is not his or her biological parent
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents) or Parental Consent Affidavit.
• Where a Parental Consent Affidavit is presented,
copies of the identity documents or passports of the parents or legal guardian of the minor; and
Contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the minor; and contact details of the person in whose care the minor will be.
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents of the minor reflecting particulars of adoptive parent(s) or a court order confirming the adoption of the minor by the adoptive parent(s) accompanying him or her.
NOTE: Where only one of the adoptive parents is travelling with the minor or where such a minor is travelling unaccompanied, the Parental Consent Affidavit will still be required by the absent adoptive parent(s) or in the case of a deceased adoptive parent, a copy of such parent’s death certificate.
Unaccompanied Minor
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Unabridged Birth Certificate (Birth Certificate containing the particulars of a minor and those of his or her parent or parents)
• Parental Consent Affidavit administered by any Commissioner of Oath
• Letter from the person who is to receive the minor at the destination, containing his or her residential address and contact details where the minor will be residing;
• Copy of the identity document or valid passport and visa or permanent residence permit of the person who is to receive the minor at the destination; and Contact details of the parents or legal guardian
Child in alternative care e.g foster care
• Valid Passport;
• Valid visa, if required;
• Letter from the Department of Social Development where the child resides authorizing his or her departure from the Botswana.
Applicants who would not be collecting their visa (endorsed in the passport) shall be requested to write a letter authorizing whoever will be collecting their visa and passports including their full names, ID or passport numbers and contact numbers to the Embassy.
Postal: | PO Box 26024, SE 100 41 |
Telephone: | +46 8-545 258 80 |
Fax: | +46 8-723 00 87 |
Email: | |
Opening hours: | 09.00 – 13.00 |
14.00 – 17.00 | |
(Weekdays) |